We are a fitness centre located in the heart of Central, dedicated to bringing new multi-award-winning group exercise programs regularly to the city while being committed to helping you reach your fitness goals.
Our classes are taught by highly skilled, professional instructors who are not only certified but also considered masters or elites in their programs. We fully support their continuous development in order to bring you the best classes possible.
Our studio provides a functional space with an urban-classic, feel-good, energetic atmosphere. It’s equipped with changing rooms, showers, a spacious outdoor area and other state-of-the-art equipment.
When I first joined XP I was looking for something different to the other gyms. I was attracted by the Kangoo classes and from there I have started trying all the other classes the studio offers. I found a great community and a family! They off an array of classes from cardio to weight training to Hyrox. I'm so glad I join the XP family!!!
I was at first looking for a centre where I can start my fitness journey, embrace by professional, passionate, and supportive instructors at a place with full of energetic vibes - this is the reason why I'm here at XP Fitness Hub. From an overweighted person to an enthusiastic sporty person, from a group class student to a Hyrox athlete, XP has been supporting me along my fitness journey. It's my pleasure to be part of the XP community!
If you are looking for a fitness studio that is always fun, engaging and will always put your fitness goals first, XP is THE choice. I absolutely love coming here because of their instructors & their commitment to their clients. No matter the level, you are always welcomed like family. Love you guys!
2024 has been a year of incredible change for me, and I owe it all to the A-mazing team at XP Fitness Hub. From someone who rarely exercised to now taking part in HYROX, this journey has been nothing short of transformational. Thank you to XP, Andrew & Kathleen for pushing me beyond my limits, for the unwavering support, and for creating a closely-knitted community that feels like family. Here's to many more milestones and smashing goals together as we launch into 2025! To all our friends and family, have a very happy and healthy 2025! Set the PATH, have FAITH in yourself, pursue with GRIT, your GOALs will be in reach!
XP Fitness Hub 是一个非常可爱的地方。上课的时候,教练们一方面会提供专业的指导,即使是新手学员也能迅速掌握要领,找到自信。同时,他们也会把对健身的热爱传递给学员,让充满挑战的课程变得活力满满、乐趣多多。我的健身历程屡战屡败,但在XP Fitness,我已经坚持了半年,并且慢慢地改善了我的体能、长出了肌肉。这些阶段性的成就让我很开心,也会支持我继续下去。
I好喜歡XP Fitness Hub,已經join咗佢哋幾個月啦,而家身體好咗好多,之前試過四個其他地方嘅運動班,最後都係覺得 XP Fitness Hub 係最好嘅。同學仔之間好Nice,一齊上堂非常之開心,一齊笑一齊做運動,初班嘅話有Zumba / Funky Dance ,Body Pump 等,又可以做到運動又唔辛苦,又可以減肥嘅課程,強烈推薦大家一定要嚟試吓!
XP Fitness Hub has given me access to vast range of classes and training sessions led by knowledgable and energetic instructors. I've also been able to sample numerous products from emerging brands in fitness, health and wellness while training here. I honestly can't recommend XP enough!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.
We are a fitness centre located in the heart of Central, dedicated to bringing new multi-award-winning group exercise programs regularly to the city while being committed to helping you reach your fitness goals.
Our classes are taught by highly skilled, professional instructors who are not only certified but also considered masters or elites in their programs. We fully support their continuous development in order to bring you the best classes possible.
Our studio provides a functional space with an urban-classic, feel-good, energetic atmosphere. It’s equipped with changing rooms, showers, a spacious outdoor area and other state-of-the-art equipment.
When I first joined XP I was looking for something different to the other gyms. I was attracted by the Kangoo classes and from there I have started trying all the other classes the studio offers. I found a great community and a family! They off an array of classes from cardio to weight training to Hyrox. I'm so glad I join the XP family!!!
I was at first looking for a centre where I can start my fitness journey, embrace by professional, passionate, and supportive instructors at a place with full of energetic vibes - this is the reason why I'm here at XP Fitness Hub. From an overweighted person to an enthusiastic sporty person, from a group class student to a Hyrox athlete, XP has been supporting me along my fitness journey. It's my pleasure to be part of the XP community!
If you are looking for a fitness studio that is always fun, engaging and will always put your fitness goals first, XP is THE choice. I absolutely love coming here because of their instructors & their commitment to their clients. No matter the level, you are always welcomed like family. Love you guys!
2024 has been a year of incredible change for me, and I owe it all to the A-mazing team at XP Fitness Hub. From someone who rarely exercised to now taking part in HYROX, this journey has been nothing short of transformational. Thank you to XP, Andrew & Kathleen for pushing me beyond my limits, for the unwavering support, and for creating a closely-knitted community that feels like family. Here's to many more milestones and smashing goals together as we launch into 2025! To all our friends and family, have a very happy and healthy 2025! Set the PATH, have FAITH in yourself, pursue with GRIT, your GOALs will be in reach!
XP Fitness Hub 是一个非常可爱的地方。上课的时候,教练们一方面会提供专业的指导,即使是新手学员也能迅速掌握要领,找到自信。同时,他们也会把对健身的热爱传递给学员,让充满挑战的课程变得活力满满、乐趣多多。我的健身历程屡战屡败,但在XP Fitness,我已经坚持了半年,并且慢慢地改善了我的体能、长出了肌肉。这些阶段性的成就让我很开心,也会支持我继续下去。
I好喜歡XP Fitness Hub,已經join咗佢哋幾個月啦,而家身體好咗好多,之前試過四個其他地方嘅運動班,最後都係覺得 XP Fitness Hub 係最好嘅。同學仔之間好Nice,一齊上堂非常之開心,一齊笑一齊做運動,初班嘅話有Zumba / Funky Dance ,Body Pump 等,又可以做到運動又唔辛苦,又可以減肥嘅課程,強烈推薦大家一定要嚟試吓!
XP Fitness Hub has given me access to vast range of classes and training sessions led by knowledgable and energetic instructors. I've also been able to sample numerous products from emerging brands in fitness, health and wellness while training here. I honestly can't recommend XP enough!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.
+852 2951 9178