I’m the General Manager of the studio and, also, a Senior Fitness Instructor. Come and try the latest in fitness with us. See you in class!
I’m the General Manager of the studio and, also, a Senior Fitness Instructor. Come and try the latest in fitness with us. See you in class!
Im a Junior Instructor who aims to pursue women empowerment! Join me in class and unleash your inner potential!
Helping you achieve your goal is one of my main goals. Join me in class at let's have fun!
Let your confidence shine through! It's just you, the music and your workout! Let's go!
Release the beast! In class, in thought and in life! Let's go crazy in class!
You are your own barrier. Let's break that barrier and release your true potential!
Our minds and our bodies are deeply connected to each other. Let me help you strengthen that bond!
I'm a YOGA Instructor who has honed my craft for years! Looking forward to seeing you in class!
I believe that everyone is welcome no matter what your fitness level is. The key is to enjoy fun in exercising.
A former flight attendant turned fitness entrepreneur, Mary founded XP Fitness Hub to bring innovation to Hong Kong’s fitness scene. Having experienced many cultures and understanding the value of having fun during a workout, she believes that the key to success (in fitness and in life) is to step out of your comfort zone, adapt and embrace change. She works hard to ensure that the XP Fitness Hub family is continuously innovating, improving and creating new experiences for themselves.